Hi Everyone!!
I hope you all had a very safe and relaxing 4th of July!
I can't believe this is my first official post as the newest member of the Upper Elementary Snapshots Collaborative Blog! I will be heading out to Vegas for the TpT Conference this Tuesday and I hope to get a chance to meet as many of you as I possibly can!! I've been so busy planning for my session, From Sketch to Digital Masterpiece, that I will be so happy to get a chance to just enjoy spending time with everyone in person!
I wanted to keep my first post short and simple, so I decided to offer you all a free set of photos I recently took. I have been taking a lot of pictures and I've been a little obsessed with hummingbirds lately. They are so stinkin' cute. I have about five hummingbirds that frequently visit my backyard and they have become accustomed to me taking their photos! There are two in particular, that really seem to like getting their photos taken. One is a beautiful Costa's Hummingbird with an amazing royal purple throat. I have several hundred photos of that little guy already. The other little one is a female and I believe she is an Anna's Hummingbird, but I am not quite sure. I named her Flick before I knew she was a girl, but I didn't change her name because she still looks like a Flick to me..haha They both seem to fight for my attention. The other hummingbirds that frequent my backyard are far more shy and getting a photo requires a great deal of patience. The Costa's hummingbird often chases the other ones away and sits on the same branch every time I go outside... almost as if he is waiting for my attention. It is really quite something how unique their personalities are. My new hobby has me researching about all sorts of birds and desert plants and I have had a lot of fun learning about them.
A great way to get students excited about writing is to provide them with real photo prompts. From descriptive writing lessons to expository writing lessons, photo prompts can be a great tool to get students more excited about writing. Using photo prompts allows students to be unique while staying within the perimeters of a writing style. The completed works will show you where students struggle and where they excel. Grab my very first mini set of hummingbird photos to use with your own lessons or just to enjoy. Please make sure to read my Photo Terms of Use before using the photos.
Click the image below to grab 4 high resolution photos of Flick, the hummingbird!!
Have a great week everyone & I would love to see pictures or read about what you were able to do with the photos!