There are so many ways to use questioning! It all depends on your purpose. I wanted to
talk about 3 different ways that you can use questioning in your classroom
immediately. I am going to give specific examples related to math because I
that is what I love, but the listed questioning purposes can be the same for
any subject: learning about your students, informing instruction and reviewing important skills.
Purpose #1 – Use Questions
to Learn About Your Students
A Fun Getting to Know You Math Activity
Make the connection between
numbers and real life while learning more about your students with this Mystery
Numbers math activity. Students first
choose several facts about themselves that include numbers. Then they generate
and record questions and numbers in the Mystery Number Booklet. Their partner must guess which questions and
numbers match. Here are some sample questions and answers that your kids may
come up with.
Which number represents my
house number in my address? 1,486
Which number represents how
many brothers I have? 0
Which number represents the
number of movies I saw this month? 4
This free activity
incorporates numbers that students experience in their everyday lives.
Teacher Tip – Model this activity by using yourself as the example first and
have your class try to guess which numbers match your questions. Kids ALWAYS
love learning more about their teacher.
Teacher Tip – This is a great back to school activity, but you can still use
it during anytime of the year.
Purpose #2 – Use Questions
to Review Skills
Practice Makes Perfect When Learning Math Concepts
Our kids need ample time for meaningful review. Expose your students to different question types (multiple
response, true or false, multiple choice, etc.) that are aligned to important
math concepts. This helps them deepen their understanding and become flexible
with their thinking.
If you are looking for an easy way to incorporate questioning
throughout your day, check out Flip & Go Math Cards. They are great for math centers, small group instruction, early finishers and so much more!
In addition, they are easy to assemble: simply print, combine and GO!
Teacher Tip – Make review fun by incorporating
games like SCOOT or making it into a math competition so that students stay
engaged and it does not feel like drill and kill.
Purpose #3 –
Use Questions to Guide Your Instruction
Quick Assessments Before, During and After Your Math Lesson
Questioning is one of the most important parts of classroom
instruction. As teachers, we strive to
probe student thinking and expand their reasoning skills. We also use student
responses to inform our instruction. What did they know before I started this lesson?
Are they able to explain how they got their answer? Did they “get” it?
Use these free probing questions by clicking on the photo below.
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Teacher Tip – Hole punch the cards and ring
them with a binder clip by category (before lesson, during lesson and after
lesson). This will help you keep them all in one place and make then easy to
refer back during any point of your math instruction.
I hope you enjoyed reading this posts. For more elementary math tips & strategies check me out at mrelementarymath.
I hope you enjoyed reading this posts. For more elementary math tips & strategies check me out at mrelementarymath.