Over the years, I have found that graphic organizers are one of the very best ways to aid ELLs in learning the standards.
**Be sure to Download my FREE Graphic Organizer Below!
Why Graphic Organizers?
Graphic organizers help ELL students narrow down information into chunks that can be more easily understood and less overwhelming. Organizing information through this vehicle is possible in all subject areas!Developing Vocabulary Visually
Graphic Organizers for Reading
Although most of my English language learners were reading below grade level, I liked to expose them to short grade-level texts when appropriate. My Fiction and Nonfiction Graphic Organizers are perfect for this!I first like to start by using the graphic organizer in small groups. It’s helpful to show them directly how to complete the organizer, allow them to follow along, and then finish independently. When we broke out into small groups or the next day, students worked together on a different passage using the same graphic organizer. They are then encouraged to organize their own reading in the same fashion. It helped my kids feel so confident!
Download a FREE Graphic Organizer Below!
Graphic Organizers for Writing
Graphic organizers are helpful in both fiction and nonfiction writing. When working on narrative writing, I used to like my students to begin brainstorming their ideas through a mind map or a simple beginning, middle, end organizer. It was helpful to have my kids draw pictures of their characters and setting to get an idea of what direction they wanted to go with their story. This way they were able to get a hold of their ideas, and I was able to help them put English words to their pictures to get them started. Writing is the last step in language acquisition, so ELL students need all the scaffolding they can get.
When writing nonfiction (a 5 paragraph informational essay, for example) I loved the boxes and bullets methods. This method allows students to focus on topic sentences for each paragraph and narrow down the details from there. This is a useful tool when gathering research as well. (We love PebbleGo videos!) Informational writing is also a great time for practicing all that academic vocabulary they are learning!
Another helpful graphic organizer I used with my ELL students was a "Paragraph Writing" Organizer. This was used throughout the year to help them write paragraphs that included each component.
It’s all worth it!
Working with English language learners is definitely a challenge. The differentiation that is necessary at all times will keep you on your toes! Watching your kids progress at alarmingly fast rates is so rewarding, and makes all that hard work worth it!
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